Curriculum Vitae (résumé)


Surname: Brusi López
Forename: José
Marital status: married
Birth: Madrid, Spain, May 1970

Nationality: Spanish
Home base: Valencia, Spain
E-mail: please use the contact form at


1989-1992 BEng (Hons) Engineering Acoustics and Vibration from the Institute of Sound and Vibration Research, University of Southampton, England, UK. Final year project on Wavelet Transform analysis and processing algorithms for time stretching, pitch shifting and cross synthesis.


2005-today Sound system consulting (Brusi Acoustics). 3D/2D loudspeaker directivity measurement lab added in 2015

2002-today Consultant editor, programmer, writer, educator, business development for Doctor ProAudio. Technical articles, javascript calculators, assorted programming and technical reviewer. On a business level, generated a substantial portfolio of global and local customers from scratch

¤ Development of laboratory sounds for sound reinforcement test CD
¤ Conception and implementation of PAcalculate, a sponsorable multi-lingual multi-platform mobile app with calculators, subwoofer array simulation, reference info and utilities. Success story in terms of revenue, downloads and user reviews

2006 Taught a 4-month 600-hour Sound Engineering course (Formación Profesional ocupacional: Técnico de Sonido)

1999-2005 Applications and Systems Manager, Autopol Manager for D.A.S. Audio (Valencia, Spain), manufacturer of loudspeaker components, loudspeaker systems and power amplifiers, both under its own name and as OEM products (K.C.S. cinema systems); and distributor (QSC, Audix) for the local market. Responsible for technical aspects related to loudspeakers and loudspeaker system applications. The company being relatively small (120 employees), other related issues fell within my field of work. These included marketing related activities from a product and engineering perspective such developing a technological brand image, as well as sales engineering type applications.

Management of technical documentation.

Refinement of the AutoPol platform for improved reporting, additional capabilities and additional export utilities (EASE 3&4, CLF). Development of custom in-house high resolution modeling to automatically produce tables with cluster coverage results for 50 different arrays for a given speaker, which were included in the product support materials. I also developed software to prototype optimized DLLs for line arrays for use with EASE.

1996-1999 Market Development Engineer for JBL Professional (California, USA), an industry leader in the field of loudspeakers for professional use both in terms of sales and technology, and present in five vertical markets : Tour Sound, M.I./Portable Sound, Recording & Broadcast, Installed Sound and Cinema.

In this position I promoted sales from a technical and product standpoint and raised the level of sophistication of the market. My sales region was the Intercontinental territory, which comprised the Americas except for the US, Africa, the Middle East and India. For JBL Professional I conducted over fifty events in Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Egypt, Guatemala, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Taiwan, United Arab Emirates, Uruguay, USA, Venezuela and Vietnam.

With JBL Professional, I complemented my engineering background with invaluable sales experience. I made my distributors feel supported, developed my personal relations with them, and conducted educational seminars and powerful product presentations that increased sales in the short and medium terms, and laid a sound foundation of brand perception and recognition. The position comprised, among others:
¤ Technical support
¤ Product specialist
¤ Seminars
¤ Smaart (then JBL) trainer
¤ Product launches and presentations. Multimedia
¤ Marketing CD-ROMs. Service binders and CD-ROMs
¤ Training
¤ Region's newsletter
¤ Sound system design and acoustic consultancy

1992-1996 Product Engineer for DAS Audio. The company being medium sized but fast growing , the position was very wide comprising, among others:
¤ Technical support
¤ Loudspeaker design
¤ All serious acoustic measurements. Power tests (AES, IEC)
¤ Technical and sales literature
¤ Presentations
¤ Sound system design and acoustic consultancy


¤ Product presentations and seminars: Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Malaysia, Mexico and Peru
¤ Loudspeaker technical sheets. From the design of the measurement methods, automation of measurements and processing to the actual artwork design and formatting. I can proudly say they were, at the time, the most serious specification sheets in the industry, while remaining marketing friendly. The development of the AutoPol platform was instrumental for this: a large number of software algorithms were written to make it all happen. AutoPol would automatically generate what probably even today remains the most comprehensive data system for directivity information.
¤ Design of the sound system for the Stadium of Perak (Ipoh, Malaysia), a 60,000-seat stadium
¤ Development of an automated Quality Control system for high frequency drivers and passive filters. Inexpensive and robust, it lead the way to improved consistency of compression driver performance
¤ Introduction of the DASSOFT line of support software data, comprising files for use with drawing and acoustic design programs. Joined the EASE database and wrote software for the conversion of AUTOPOL data to EASE, CADP2, CLF and AcoustaCADD formats


Languages: Spanish (native) and English (near native)
Computing: Extensive experience in the use of, mainly, PC computers. Writing of complex Matlab functions for data processing and display. User of Word Perfect, Word, PowerPoint, Excel and Outlook. Proficient user of CorelDraw!, EASE (v4-v2), CADP2, LMS and Smaart. Supporter of the concept of 'macro'. Web design: HTML, SSI, JavaScript, PHP, MySQL, Perl
¤ 1989, MIDI sequencer review for Música y Tecnología magazine
¤ 1995, synthesizer retrospective for The Mix (UK, RIP) magazine, with CD samples
¤ 1999, technical article on loudspeaker directivity representations, published on Sound and Video Contractor magazine
¤ 2001, technical article on loudspeaker directivity representaions, published on Pro Audio Show and Músicos Profesional magazines
¤ 2003, technical article on the Power Alley published on Soundcheck magazine, Sound and Video Contractor, Live Sound International and Very popular piece to this day
¤ 2011, Electronic Versus Physical: An Analysis Of Shaping Array Directivity published on Live Sound International and
¤ 2015, Pac-Man Is Back: Advantages Of 3D Polar Measurements, published by Live Sound International and
¤ 2020, Assessing The Impact: The Effect Of Cupping On Cardioid Microphone Directivity published by Live Sound International and
¤ Member of the AES
¤ Associate Member (AMIMechE) of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE), UK
¤ 1992, book review for the Journal of Sound and Vibration, England

This document was last modified on Thursday, 06-Sep-2007 17:05:34 EDT